Tuesday, 23 April 2013

St. George's Day

Hello, and sorry I haven't posted in ages... >.<

You probably didn't know that today (23rd April) is St. George's Day. In fact, I only just found out myself. St. George was the patron saint of England, and a lot of other places as well.


He was born in what is now Turkey, sometime around the year 280, which is a LONG time ago. XD St. George is known for killing a dragon. 

According to legend, the only well in the town of Silene was guarded by a dragon, and in order to get water, the inhabitants of the town had to make a human sacrifice to the dragon each day. One day, when St. George was visiting, a princess was chosen to be sacrificed to the dragon, and St. George killed the dragon, saved the princess, and gave the people of Silene access to the water. In gratitude, they converted to Christianity.

It is thought that the dragon symbolises a sort of pagan belief that included human sacrifice.

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