Saturday, 13 April 2013

Hell and the Devil

Hello! Sorry I haven't posted in such a while >.< Most people picture the Devil as something like this, right?

But what is he really?

I think that the Devil is really just those sort of aspects of human nature, like greed, selfishness, etc. And the Devil slips in, and tempts your greed and selfishness. That's what I think the Devil is really. Not a freaky read creature with horns and a spiky tail. 

There was a book I remember reading when I was small. I can't remember what it was called, but it was about a certain Mr. Gimme and Mr. Give. I think the author's purpose of that story was to teach a small child about what the Devil really was, but not under the word Devil

Mr. Gimme was sort of like the Devil. He crept in and made people be bad. Made them be greedy and selfish. But when they use their willpower to fight the temptation Mr. Gimme was giving them to be bad, Mr. Give would help them to say sorry, and poof! Mr. Gimme disappeared in a cloud of smoke.

When Mr. Give came in the front door, Mr. Gimme crept out the back door. 

That is pretty much what the Devil is. 

And what about Hell?

Some people say that if you've been bad in your life, you go to Hell instead of Heaven. Some even say that if you've sinned, you'll go to Hell. 

But everyone has sinned. Haven't you lied, once or twice when you were small? I know I have. Everyone has sinned.  You may not have lied. You may have said Oh my G**, or taken something that belonged to someone else - such as your sibling's chocolate (I've done that). Just that is sinning. But you say sorry, and you are forgiven. And you can go to Heaven.

I actually think that there's nothing that anyone has done on Earth that deserves them eternity in Hell. Yes, I do know there have been some very bad people on Earth. But I still don't think what they've done would deserve them eternity in Hell.

Perhaps, when these very bad people die, they serve a long time in Purgatory or are reincarnated into someone else on Earth to try again.

Just my beliefs. ;)


    I forgive you, though X3

  2. I picture the devil to look like this. Only 1,000,000,000 times worse.

    1. @Kinyonga - Thanks lol! :)

      @Metroleafs - Oooh, yeah...


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