Thursday 30 May 2013

It's not the label on the box

Hello! :) I'm sorry I haven't posted in such a while. Anyway, today I'm posting on something my dad told me when I asked him whether atheists go to Heaven or not. 

Daddy told me that "It's not the label on the box" and then explained what he meant. I think it's very interesting so I decided to post it. :)
When Jesus said "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father, except through me."
Well, lots of people think that means that non-Christians won't go to Heaven when they die. But my daddy explained that it isn't the label on the box. What, you ask, does that mean? Well, I'll explain. 

If somebody was collecting forks, and somebody sent them box which said "spoon" on it but was in actual fact a fork, it wouldn't matter about the label - it's what's inside the box which matters. So if somebody is another religion, but has lived a good life and been kind, honest, loving, and so on, then their label "non-Christian" would be of no consequence - it's what inside which matters. 

When Jesus said "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father, except through me." he didn't mean you had to be a Christian, He meant you had to live the life of a good person, the sort of life which He taught people to live. 

So, it's not the label on the box. ;)

PS. I'm going to be tweaking this blog's design a bit. ;)


  1. But that implies that a "good non-christian" is not a sinner in need of Jesus's salvation. So I am not sure I agree, but I do like the analogy.........

    Only God knows a person's heart and in the end, He will Judge and Decide who comes to Heaven, we, as meer humans, are only guessing. Jesus does say repeatedly that no one comes to the Father except through I am not sure how to interpret that, except to accept it as it is.

    I hope I don't sound disrespectful to your Dad, I totally don't mean to be!!

    1. EVERYBODY is a sinner and is in need of Jesus' salvation. I didn't say that good non-Christians weren't!

  2. Being an atheist I thought this was interesting. I like the sound of that :) I think that's a great explanation.


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